Created in 1991 Sonic the Hedgehog was created for the Sega franchise to directly compete with the success of Nintendo's Mario. Kids from the 1990's would remember spending hours navigating through levels collecting gold rings, avoiding fire spirting crabs, jumping piranhas, stinging wasps and motorised bugs all just to try and defeat Dr Eggman at the end of every 3rd level.
His trusty sidekick and the second most popular character Tails entered the franchise in Sonic 2 and would follow close behind Sonic in all of his adventures, although the character was not fully utilised until Sonic 3 when players could control his flying.
Since the 1990s Sonic, Tails and Dr Eggman have evolved into further spin off games and crossed over consoles and are still enjoyed by consumers today with a few extra charcaters entering the franchise including Sonic's girlfriend Amy Rose, Shadow the Anti-hero and a Red Echidna called Knuckles - Sonic's rival.
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